Dear Christians, You are NOT the Center and Reason and Purpose for the Universe
Acts 7:50 says, "Did not my hands make both heaven and earth?"
Now we all know that adherents of Bible based faiths are members of the group of people who firmly believe that the universe were live in was in fact created by the God of the Bible. For some reason or other those who hold this claim to be true often use verses such as this one here to 'prove' that God made the universe.
In this video you are treated to a jumble of absurd connections between the invisible spirit world and the human being and how the universe was formed around human beings and for their benefit. I wonder how comets and meteors conform to the human being? How about black holes and quarks and quasars? Remember, it is an all or nothing issue at stake here. Christians cannot have it both ways. God either made the entire universe and everything in it for man and around man and to man, or He did not such thing at all.
Acts 17:24 says, "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands."
Any faithful Christian knows that these words here prove that God made the universe and everything in it, right? However, how Christians come to the conclusion that this verse offers proof is completely devoid of anything even remotely reminiscent of logic and sense. The God mentioned here in this verse wants to be so much better than all the other gods and so He picks something that all the other gods and goddesses do or don't do, or have and don't have. What did He pick? Well, since all the other gods have special temples built in their name the God in this verse is so much better and so much more powerful and so much more loving and caring that He doesn't even NEED temples. That's right.
Just to make sure we are in fact understanding what we need to understand here let us go over the definition of the word 'temple'. A temple is a structure reserved for religious or spiritual activities. Temples are supposed to be the houses of the gods, the places where people go to offer prayers and (in times of old) sacrifices and even carry out symbolic rituals.
So, for all of the Christians out there who are adamant in their assertion that temples are something derived of paganism and therefore evil I want you to give a VALID explanation as to what makes your churches any different than a temple. Give a straightforward (I know, that is asking for a lot) and simple answer as to how the places where you go to pray to the God of the Bible and to hold communions and breaking of the bread are ANY different in ANY sense that allows them the entire cookie of credibility as far as religion goes while all other faiths are false?
Now, before I go into why the notion that God made the entire universe literally for man I want to address this stupid temple issue. And yes, right off the bat many Christians will say that the human being is the temple of God. Whatever. And 7-11 is the temple of caffeine and empty calories. So stupid. So many preachers go on and on about the idolatry of other religions right from the pulpits of their very own temples. You people need to come to the realization that your churches are no different from the temples where ancient peoples worshiped Zeus and Poseidon and any other god. You do all the same things those people did except the name of your God is different.
Anyways, back to the retarded notion that God made the entire universe specifically for man. In this video here the makers are trying to convince you that the Hubble Telescope has provided proof as to the universe being created by God. What I see are some stunningly beautiful pictures of the universe around us. Now, I do not know how the stars got there. Nope. I study things to try to help me to consider what the possibilities are as far as how the stars came to be, but never will I include the stupid idea that some divine being poofed all of the stars into existence. And Christians harass those who follow the Big Bang Theory? At least with the Big Bang there is some kind of process involved, and yes scientists DO know they cannot fully explain everything. With Creation there is zero process involved since God magically makes it all happen in the twinkling of an eye. Stupid.
And just for good measure this is a rebuttal video:
Ephesians 1:23 says, "The completeness of Him who everywhere fills the universe with Himself."
So, God created all of the beauty in the universe for man. If that is the case why hasn't man been able to see a majority of the universe for a majority of the existence of man? If the beauty of the nebulae and galaxies was intended for man to enjoy then why did it take until the late 19th century for this to happen? Other than that there might be a few references in the tenth century, I think, and nothing else as far as viewing the galaxies. Nice. God wants man to enjoy the stars SO much that for a majority of the existence of man the beauty of the universe has not been viewed. And what about the astronomers in our human history that were persecuted for the theories they developed when viewing the stars in their telescopes? If God wanted man to enjoy the beauty of the universe then why did this God allow for the persecution of men such as Galileo? Talk yourself out of that shit.
Colossians 1:16 says, "For in Him was created the universe of things of heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, thrones, dominions, princedoms, powers--all were created and exist through and for Him."
Well, so much for God creating the universe for man. This verse clearly says otherwise. Anyways, Stephen Hawkins has some interesting things to say when it comes to the universe.
This is hilarious. Of COURSE you know that sooner or later there would be someone who would try to use the Big Bang Theory to try to prove God created the universe. What is that old saying, "If you can't beat them, join them."
Nothing about the Creation makes sense. It never did. Creation is a cop-out choice for people who are too lazy to actually think about and search for the real origin of things. By automatically agreeing that God did everything simply by mentioning it into existence they have solved their own problem of how everything came to be. Then, with that claim that they know for sure how everything came to be they stand up and holler to the world that they are right while everyone else is wrong.
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