Why Do People Insist On Listening To This Bullshit?
Well. Well well well. It appears that End Times sensationalism is nothing new. So much for the verses in the Bible that expressly proscribe making predictions of the Secoming Coming and predictions of when Jesus and His army of angels help God to destroy the enemy's own humongous army.
Ahhh, here we have religious thug and Christian...John Hagee. This man's hypocrisy runs deeper than the river Styxx. What is particularly scary is all the people in the background clapping and cheering as this slug encourages the murder of those whose religious beliefs are contrary to their own. Christianity has worked up its members into such a frenzy that they are frothing at the spiritual mouth, chomping the bit, anxious to declare war and condem to hell all those who would dare to think, believe, live, and love differently.
Hhahaa!!! Good stuff!
Don't you just love Christian hypocrisy? Jesus LOVES you; now believe in and pray to Jesus or my God will kill you. Stupid. By the way, asshole, you cannot sin if there is no such thing as sin. And NO...I will not "fall to my knees" and declare my allegiance and love for your murderous God and His psychopathic satchel of instructions and demands.
Bullshit like this serves only to rile up people in society who are truly frightened by such stupid claims, people who really do not know any better because they have been almost irreparably damaged by notions of infinite divine punishment if they do not listen.
Of course the religious right is attacking the President. You know why? Because we finally have a president who has the balls to stand up and defend and ensure liberty and freedom and justice for all citizens of this country, not just the uber-conservatives who choose to believe in the Bible and its ludicrous ravings. This is of extreme concern to those who hold that the only folks who deserve full rights and privileges are people who follow the Bible and its hateful, temper-tantrum throwing God.
Great. Another fuck-nut pulling a Nostradamus. Christ. Oh, Lordy! I dreamed a dream and it came true! Never mind that these ding dongs always claim that their dreams came true well after the fact, and often times treat the passage of time like silly-putty in an effort to give their claims of prognostication any semblance of truth. Hah!
And this man here is a fine example of why the government views fundamentalist groups and religious extremists (even those in Christianity) as a danger to the security of the nation. These people want war. These people interpret everything as a signal for war. These people make attempt after attempt after attempt to incite their fellow believers to move toward war WHETHER OR NOT THOSE FALLING FOR SUCH BULLSHIT REALIZE IT.
But the crazy part is that Christianity NEEDS war. It NEEDS war in order to even make a half-ass claim that the Bible and its hideous God are true. Christians truly believe (at least some of them believe) that epic global war is THE way, the answer to proving the existence of their consistently truant, persistently sadistic, megalomaniac, ever-absent Savior. This is so sad. So so sad. You would think that the great and grand God of the Bible would use the most powerful energy in His spiritual arsenal: love.
Imagine the amount of progress everyone could make in so many different ways if, instead of preaching doom and gloom, these folks made great efforts to spread hope and love and peace and compassion and consideration and joy. You know...all the beautiful expressions and emotions that are supposed to be in the Bible.
The people of the world need to understand that they are caught in a spiritual war between God and Satan, a spiritual war that offers the victor the ultimate in door prizes? This war is happening now, even as I type this message? You DO realize you sound just like the assholes who truly believe that Allah wants them to kill infidels in the name of the one true God, Who actually turns out to be Allah. Retarded.
You are insane. Do you really expect the spiritually sane people to believe that line of bullshit? Do you even listen to what you are saying? The story of the freaking Hobbit is more believable than what you say here. And just like a huge number of Christians out there you eagerly reveal your urgent spiritual messages right along side a good slathering of fear.
Lady, you know what the problem is? The problem is you and people like you are so imprisoned by irrational beliefs and absurd assertions of supposed faith that you cannot see reality. You will continue to be totally blind to reality so long as you cling to irrational fear and fairy tale stories of a talking snake declaring war on an all-powerful God.
It is interesting how many within Christianity blame every problem conceivable on this pretend war that is supposedly Satan's ginormous plot to take away the rights of Christians and then eventually behead them for refusing some goddamn Mark of the Beast or what not.
And why in the hell do you insist on prattling on and on of how the devil is doing this or that against God? Why should you worry or care about what the devil says or threatens? Is not your God all-powerful? Is not your God everywhere, all the time, forever and ever unto infinity? If you have this power within you from God due to your faith you have zero reason to fear.
The really scary part is the fact that many of you Christians work yourselves up into such a frenzy that you cannot see the damage you are doing to yourselves, your community, your family, and any nation that you are in. Your belief does not thrive on love, but rather is sustained by fear.
By the way, Ma'm, you really need to bring down the level of your deluded excitement just a few notches. You are wound up wayyyy too tight and you are going to give yourself a heart attack if you do not calm the fuck down.
The gentlemen here are deliberating how many more people have to die before the right-wing terror Bible thumpers figure out that not only do Islam and multicultural social circles simply not mix very well, neither does Christianity for that matter. Islamic fanaticism and Christian fanaticism are blood brothers even though the ideologies of either one assert that it is more powerful and thus more deserving than the other. Madness.
Ahhh, here we have religious thug and Christian...John Hagee. This man's hypocrisy runs deeper than the river Styxx. What is particularly scary is all the people in the background clapping and cheering as this slug encourages the murder of those whose religious beliefs are contrary to their own. Christianity has worked up its members into such a frenzy that they are frothing at the spiritual mouth, chomping the bit, anxious to declare war and condem to hell all those who would dare to think, believe, live, and love differently.
Hhahaa!!! Good stuff!
Don't you just love Christian hypocrisy? Jesus LOVES you; now believe in and pray to Jesus or my God will kill you. Stupid. By the way, asshole, you cannot sin if there is no such thing as sin. And NO...I will not "fall to my knees" and declare my allegiance and love for your murderous God and His psychopathic satchel of instructions and demands.
Bullshit like this serves only to rile up people in society who are truly frightened by such stupid claims, people who really do not know any better because they have been almost irreparably damaged by notions of infinite divine punishment if they do not listen.
Of course the religious right is attacking the President. You know why? Because we finally have a president who has the balls to stand up and defend and ensure liberty and freedom and justice for all citizens of this country, not just the uber-conservatives who choose to believe in the Bible and its ludicrous ravings. This is of extreme concern to those who hold that the only folks who deserve full rights and privileges are people who follow the Bible and its hateful, temper-tantrum throwing God.
Great. Another fuck-nut pulling a Nostradamus. Christ. Oh, Lordy! I dreamed a dream and it came true! Never mind that these ding dongs always claim that their dreams came true well after the fact, and often times treat the passage of time like silly-putty in an effort to give their claims of prognostication any semblance of truth. Hah!
And this man here is a fine example of why the government views fundamentalist groups and religious extremists (even those in Christianity) as a danger to the security of the nation. These people want war. These people interpret everything as a signal for war. These people make attempt after attempt after attempt to incite their fellow believers to move toward war WHETHER OR NOT THOSE FALLING FOR SUCH BULLSHIT REALIZE IT.
But the crazy part is that Christianity NEEDS war. It NEEDS war in order to even make a half-ass claim that the Bible and its hideous God are true. Christians truly believe (at least some of them believe) that epic global war is THE way, the answer to proving the existence of their consistently truant, persistently sadistic, megalomaniac, ever-absent Savior. This is so sad. So so sad. You would think that the great and grand God of the Bible would use the most powerful energy in His spiritual arsenal: love.
Imagine the amount of progress everyone could make in so many different ways if, instead of preaching doom and gloom, these folks made great efforts to spread hope and love and peace and compassion and consideration and joy. You know...all the beautiful expressions and emotions that are supposed to be in the Bible.
The people of the world need to understand that they are caught in a spiritual war between God and Satan, a spiritual war that offers the victor the ultimate in door prizes? This war is happening now, even as I type this message? You DO realize you sound just like the assholes who truly believe that Allah wants them to kill infidels in the name of the one true God, Who actually turns out to be Allah. Retarded.
You are insane. Do you really expect the spiritually sane people to believe that line of bullshit? Do you even listen to what you are saying? The story of the freaking Hobbit is more believable than what you say here. And just like a huge number of Christians out there you eagerly reveal your urgent spiritual messages right along side a good slathering of fear.
Lady, you know what the problem is? The problem is you and people like you are so imprisoned by irrational beliefs and absurd assertions of supposed faith that you cannot see reality. You will continue to be totally blind to reality so long as you cling to irrational fear and fairy tale stories of a talking snake declaring war on an all-powerful God.
It is interesting how many within Christianity blame every problem conceivable on this pretend war that is supposedly Satan's ginormous plot to take away the rights of Christians and then eventually behead them for refusing some goddamn Mark of the Beast or what not.
And why in the hell do you insist on prattling on and on of how the devil is doing this or that against God? Why should you worry or care about what the devil says or threatens? Is not your God all-powerful? Is not your God everywhere, all the time, forever and ever unto infinity? If you have this power within you from God due to your faith you have zero reason to fear.
The really scary part is the fact that many of you Christians work yourselves up into such a frenzy that you cannot see the damage you are doing to yourselves, your community, your family, and any nation that you are in. Your belief does not thrive on love, but rather is sustained by fear.
By the way, Ma'm, you really need to bring down the level of your deluded excitement just a few notches. You are wound up wayyyy too tight and you are going to give yourself a heart attack if you do not calm the fuck down.
The gentlemen here are deliberating how many more people have to die before the right-wing terror Bible thumpers figure out that not only do Islam and multicultural social circles simply not mix very well, neither does Christianity for that matter. Islamic fanaticism and Christian fanaticism are blood brothers even though the ideologies of either one assert that it is more powerful and thus more deserving than the other. Madness.
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