John Nelson Darby and the Rapture
Sooooo...this fellow has a dream about the rapture and is apparently so moved by the dream that he prays about it. The dream was profound since he has never had such a dream and it was so amazing and all that that he just HAD to share it since the dream is a sure sign of the truth of God and Jesus and the Rapture yada-yada, plucka-plucka. Okay.
I had a dream not that long ago that I was visited by the little grey aliens who insisted on showing me how to 'jump' from universe to universe and dimension to dimension. In the dream I talked to several different versions of myself, my siblings and even my parents. I had never had a dream like that. Ever.
But, just because I had never before dreamed about such a screwy thing that did not under any circumstance make me think there was some great and grand tidbit of revelation to be found in the imagery of the dream. What is it with people seemingly thinking if it is something they feel is unusual or extraordinary it MUST be some kind of sign from some divine being or other?
What the hell is this happy horseshit?
This guy needs to bring things down a notch or two. Wooo-sawwww! John Nelson Darby is in hell? Yikes. Tell us how you really feel, why don't ya? Shee-it. So much for believers sticking together.
I think that in order to make the Bible work for what Christians believe they really have no choice but to take some of it literally and some of it metaphorically. Hell, even then there are still glaring issues.
Hummm...this video mentions a failed dispensationalist prediction of terrible war. You are not surprised, are you?
This man has some very interesting points to ponder in regards to the supposed Second Coming and the rapture of Christ's church.
Get a load of this.
This is great!
Outstanding! Out-freaking-standing!
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