People Really Want This?
Tell me...please...because I really want to know...why do some people in the religious world want these terrible things to happen? Because they think they will be saved? Because they think it makes them right? Because they think it will be the end of all they consider to be evil according to whatever their religion is? Because they think that somehow it will validate all of the deepest fears of mankind from times past to times present and future? What? Why do people want this terrible shit to happen?
There are so many religions, or rather, versions of Christianity or some kind of faith that is based in part or whole on the Holy Bible. Any you know what? ALL of these faiths are veying for the aggressive attentions of a God who seems absolutely hell bent on destroyinig somebody and something so long as it is in spectacular...and Then they try to make it look glorious and awesome and awe inspiring by adding ridiculous pictures of what I am assuming is supposed to be angels. They look like something from an alien movie. I am far more likely to believe in the existence of aliens than some God and His supposed army of angels that await to suck all the good people to heaven and send all the bad ones to hell. Whatever.
There are so many religions, or rather, versions of Christianity or some kind of faith that is based in part or whole on the Holy Bible. Any you know what? ALL of these faiths are veying for the aggressive attentions of a God who seems absolutely hell bent on destroyinig somebody and something so long as it is in spectacular...and Then they try to make it look glorious and awesome and awe inspiring by adding ridiculous pictures of what I am assuming is supposed to be angels. They look like something from an alien movie. I am far more likely to believe in the existence of aliens than some God and His supposed army of angels that await to suck all the good people to heaven and send all the bad ones to hell. Whatever.
It really does not matter how many beautiful cultures and colorful people of history predict anything specific thing as such things do not automatically lend some great truth to one goddamn predicted thing. Truth is based on fact(s). You can find facts by scientific methods and even this really great thing called...common damn sense. Unfortunately, the commonality of this sense is just not as common as many would have it be or even hope it to be. Consistency in the old myths and mythological predictions and assumptions of cultures of old have something in common that many of the religious of the universe somehow always forget: they did not understand the world around them and so made up stories to explain that which they did not understand.
This does not mean we should disrespect their mythology, no. We should appreciate such for the creative and cultural and traditional beauty that they offer, as well as utilize them as tools to preserving the records of past cultures and beliefs. But we should never confuse an appreciation for these beautiful cultures and myths and histories of beliefs as foundations of truth. There may be foundations of philosophies in these beliefs, but understand that just because something may be categorized as a 'philosophy' that does not make it truth. And just because something may be related to some great and grand end of all time event that mirrors some biblical absurdity it does not make any of it truth in part or whole.
Don't you just love the end of the world videos that start with the sound of an air raid siren? REAL original. But, we have bigger things to discuss here, right? The video starts with this thing about wild fires that forced thousands to flee from their homes. Yes. This has happened many MANY times throughout history and with great frequency and ferocity. You want to know why?
Well, not only do we have this amazing thing (what some would marvel at and identify as a planetary phenomenon) called 'weather' that often has a great affect on such things as fires, but there are also these creatures called 'human beings' that often use things such as fire or combustibles or engage in activity that could or does cause fires (especially when people did not know something they were doing would cause a massive conflagration), or creates a danger of such. Sometimes there are even fires so great that it boggles the mind. Let us consider a few of these, shall we?
Firstly, you must understand the differences in great forest fires and great fires that destroyed cities AND you must understand and take into great consideration that fire or the threat of fire has always been a problem for mankind. Big differences here, okay? You DO understand that a city that is burned down (or very nearly does burn down) will have recorded far more people fleeing for their lives or being killed as opposed to fires in the wilderness areas of any nation in the past or the present. For those who enjoy utilizing scary wildfire facts to suit their biblical needs it is not fair or ethical to try to utilize the sheer acreage of great fires to insinuate that far more people were killed or displaced than really were. I am not saying that all those (religious or otherwise) who state fires in the stat category from the perspective of the sheer size of the fire are lying or purposely stretching the truth; actually, that would still be lying, right? It does happen, but I do not think it is something commonplace.
Now, while there have been historical accounts of great big fires that destroyed cities let us first go to Rome, where in July of 64 AD a massive fire, according to Tacitus, is said to have burned for six days destroying a good portion of the city. Of course, like many things in recorded history there are differences of opinions as to exactly how much of Rome actually burned. Many historians of the time either mention it in passing while others do not mention it at all. Interesting.
In the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, more than 100,000 people were left homeless:
In September of 1666 in London, England, a fire raged through the city and left an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 inhabitants homeless:
In 1906 after an approximated 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck San Francisco, California, the ensuing fire made approximately 200,000 people homeless:
How about heat waves? This video makes it sound like great heat waves in history are rare. This is not true. In October of 1924, Marble Bar, Australia set the record for most consecutive days with temperatures of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit, 1988 and 1980 were both terrible years for heat waves in the United States, in August 2003 one of the worst heat waves in 150 years smothered Europe...the list goes on. Heat waves are nothing new:
What about when it comes to mega storms that relentlessly pummel the cities below with snow, ice, rain, etc?
Are these really the creation of a really pissed off Creator? Doomsday theorists of present times are certainly not the only people to have thought that raging storms were punishment from God:
In 1703, a HUGE storm that is said to have pushed a ship nearly fifteen miles inland was so terrifying that some people concluded it was punishment from God for the sins of Great Britain. Many pilgrims thought that the Colonial Hurricane of 1635 was a sign of apocalypse. Who would fail to mention the mega 1900 hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas? But, despite these facts, verifiable facts, the religiously deluded would rather have you believe such weather anomalies are only relevant to whichever year is being passed-off and THE year of the end times and rapture. Ridiculous.
There really is not point in me listing any of ther other halfbaked claims these people make. Check it out for yourself.
Here we go AGAIN with the end-of-the-world video beginning with the stupid air raid siren sound. This time the video depicts earthquake and tsunami damage. While the damage is horrifying and the scope of the damage beyond the imaginations of many these situations are NOT unusual within human history. The 1575 Valdivia quake is said to have been 8.5, the 1737 Kamchatka quake 9.0, the 1755 Lisbon quake 8.5, and there are numerous records of quakes killing not just thousands or tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands. Such was the case with the 1556 quake in China that killed an estimated 250,000 people MINIMUM. By the way, modern times are not the only times when mass numbers of animals died. The most obvious is the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. There are REASONS why these animals died in such great numbers and is has nothing to do with God or Jesus or the devil or Satan or some big judgment on mankind.
What is wrong with people? What is WRONG with people? The unusual nature of an event or the fact that someone has never before seen anything like it DOES NOT confirm or even remotely validate such an event being an act of God. There are real reasons for these things happening and it IS NOT JESUS.
This video is simply FUBAR. Listen to the charming, beautiful music in the background as picture after picture depicts the destruction of the earth by improbable and implausible astronomical events.
We need not be ignorant of the coming 'tribulation' because the entire story is not worth so much as a farthing of the value of the ministries built upon such a stupid idea to begin with. Stop scaring yourselves with stupid stories that have been carefully fabricated from the holy cloth of a very deluded religious text.
There is always some religious group or nut or ideaology ready and willing to prophesy, share their prophecies, debunk the prophecies of others, and a whole load of other stupid things. Get a life, people. In fact, you DO have a life it is just unfortunate you spend it living in fear of death. Such a waste.
I am so sick of hearing about the end-of-all-time crapola in the Holy Bible's book of Revelation. Let's see what some of the ORIGINAL words of the book of Revelation were before the religiously deluded of the universe decided to twist them into something ridiculous:
From the Book of Revelatin' in the Tenement Gospel, Chapter 4:13-22...
"13 And behold, a dead horse, and the men standing astride of it were beating it in order to get it to comply with their wishes, but it would not respond for it was dead. Crowns with the word ‘Dunce’ were given unto the men who beat the horse,
14 For they were trying to sell the dead horse in an
effort to pass it off as something valuable. Unto the people who passed them by
they said, Come, buy this horse and it shall till your gardens and take you
anywhere you wish to go.
15 And when some people passing by asked why the men were
trying to sell a dead horse the men said, It is not dead, only resting. For the
men who buy this horse and manage to wake it, it shall be an asset unto them.
16 It came to be that some of those passing by the men
with the dead horse paid them no mind at all while others simply wanted to
stare at the carcass and yet others wanted to buy it.
17 And behold, I saw a green horse, and the man who sat
on him wore golden armor and held a great sack of money. The horse had a bridle
and a saddle made of pure silver. And this man had the ability to speak sweet
words to people in order that they give him their money,
18 For he promised them that if they gave him money he
would lead them to the eternal way and to a special seat in heaven next to
19 Then I turned, and behold, I saw a blue horse, and the
man who sat on him was crying and his expression was one of great sorrow. And
to this man was given the burden of a heavy heart,
20 For he allowed the destructive promises of his
supposed faith to divide him from his family and from his friends and from
21 And I looked again, and behold, I saw a yellow horse,
and the man who sat on him was trembling with great fear. And this man was
consumed by the non-sense rumors of what might happen to him when he would
22 For this man chose his faith according to the terrible
tribulations that that particular faith promised to save him from if he would
only believe."
Before the religious Chicken Littles of the universe jump to their feet and scream "Apocalypse!" when the next quake happens, please...I implore you...go to this website and learn a little something of value about the geology of this planet. STOP pretending earthquakes are so goddamn uncommon. Geeze.
So what is the point here? The point is Christianity is totally bogus. How so? Not real hard to prove if you consider that many adherents claim to be messengers of the greatest message of love from the greatest God ever, but then turn around and consistently urge and pray for and expect and, yes, even hope for crap like this to happen. Big time hypocrisy.
So what is the point here? The point is Christianity is totally bogus. How so? Not real hard to prove if you consider that many adherents claim to be messengers of the greatest message of love from the greatest God ever, but then turn around and consistently urge and pray for and expect and, yes, even hope for crap like this to happen. Big time hypocrisy.
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