Saturday, May 25, 2013

Humorous Idiocy of Myth in Christianity

Read Ester Lighthorse's newest book today!

For those Who Cannot See the Lie and Error of Accepting Myth as Truth

     A while back when I was researching mythology in the Bible I was trying to think of a way to present the information I found. How could I make the information I found interesting? Then it came to me: Put the info in the format of the periodic table of elements. Why not? So I did.
     Here is the link to that webpage: 

     Here is the link where you can get your own copy of the Biblical Myth Periodic Table of Elements:

     Often times I write about various attempts people have made in predicting when Jesus would return or when the rapture was to supposedly take place. I put many of my favorite predictions in a series of cartoon panels. I hope you enjoy.

Here is the link where you may purchase your own rapture predictions poster. Keep in mind that similar to the Bible Myth Periodic Table poster this a fairly large poster:

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Mother of All Battles

Blood as High as a Horse's Bridle?

     Revelation 14:20, "They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1600 stadia." Now isn't that a scary thought? Can you imagine war so bad that the blood of the dead rises to the bridles of a horse? For all those who would place their entire trust in the Bible as to how the world will end this is one of the more commonly quoted verses when engaged in efforts to convert a non-believer.
     But why in the world would believers try to lasso converts with such a horrible story of mayhem and destruction? What happened to informing others of all of the great love that Jesus is supposed to be? Then when the non-believer asks why such a horrible scenario would happen in the first place they are informed that it is God's will that man suffer in order that man come to an understanding of how very much he needs God and the salvation of Jesus Christ.
     In this video the viewer is treated to a story of what will happen or is likely to happen at the time of the rapture. The world, supposedly thrust into the darkness and therefore needing help and salvation, no longer has the believers of the Bible hanging around to tell them what to do being as though they were raptured. And for all of those individuals who rejected God and Jesus and the imbalanced horseshit of the Bible and its ideals of salvation, well, such people are slated to suffer great punishment. Why? Because they used their freewill to choose what they wanted and not what God and Jesus wanted.
     By the way, the part about the antichrist formulating a false peace in the Middle East is seriously fucked up, right? Imagine this, God says He wants to save everyone and in all reality does not want anyone to suffer eternal damnation. God does not want people to fight, but to only love Him and get along with each other. Right. God loves people so much that He has allowed the pathetic fighting to continue century after century after century. Then God allows some grand peace accord. Then God pulls the rug out from everyone and lets them all know that it was a sham and not real peace. What an asshole.

     Do you think people listen to themselves as they spout off about the battle of Armageddon and what will supposedly happen? Do they at ANY POINT realize how ludicrous what they are saying is? Jesus coming back in the sky on a white horse and leading a massive army. If I want to know the future go and read my Bible? Screw that! The Bible does not say anything good about the future but would have its adherents believe that there is no hope whatsoever for mankind to make things better. No hope. The only thing people can do is believe in Jesus and God so that when the earth is destroyed they can go to heaven after God rebuilds. 

     Isn't it just so convenient for believers that the Bible says there is no hope for mankind, but if people want to make it through eternity all they have to do is believe in God and Jesus. God and Jesus will fix everything that is wrong with the world and will obliterate all of those people who were against the Bible and its doctrine of insanity.
     Look for this sign, look for that sign. Whatever you see happening in the world (the bad things) are a sign of the times and intended to be taken to mean that everyone is about to punch out at the timeclock for the last time...ever.

     The worlds last chance you say? I suppose it would be the world's last chance if the Christians or uber-religious were in control. Those freaks WANT war of untold proportions to happen. Why? Because they think they will go to some special place that is better than the special place you will be going. Untold war will be the validating factor for Bible-based faiths. Look how bad the war is, see I told you.

     Sure, the Bible talks about Armageddon. In fact, the Bible talks about this supposed last battle of all battles so very much that it mentions it...ONCE. So WHERE is all this other information about this battle coming from? You got it! Believers scour the Bible for any passage that even remotely refers to some grand last battle and then take that information and try very hard to use it to scare people into believing.

     One of the things I thought did not make sense about the story of Armageddon was in Sunday School we learned that Jesus said it was a wicked generation that sought a sign. Then, right after we literally learned that seeking signs are bad we are then taught that God and Jesus will be loading earth and mankind with all sorts of signs in the last people know Jesus is back. You do see the problem here, right?

     Watch this video and try to understand that this is precisely why many people fall for the sucker stories of religion: they are scared to death! Perhaps a believer would say, "Yes, they should be afraid and since they are they are seeing God's message and will be saved." Don't you people ever stop? For the weak minded of the world who hear this supposed message of hope and who decide to believe, they often do so out of pure fear. That is not belief. That is not faith. That is not ethical (on God's and Jesus' part). And frankly, believing because you give into the threats and the fear is unacceptable.

     This is hilarious. Every one has their own version of what the Bible means when it comes to the end of the world and when that end will happen.

     If you changed only the names of God and Jesus to Mutt and Jeff and then told the story of the Bible exactly the same way people would think you were a nut. So, what makes it any more believable just because the names are God and Jesus? You ever see God and Jesus? People in the Bible times did? I don't care about that because we are not in the Bible times. Have you ever seen God or Jesus or both? You haven't, have you? What is that you say?
     The Bible is written proof of God and Jesus being real? You know, Bernie Madhoff had paperwork to show there was all kinds of money in his little scam thing he had going. The guy looked legit for the longest time. Then people figured out he was nothing more than a charlatan. The figures that were written and printed down were nowhere near the truth even though people thought it seemed legit.
     Tell me, is there anyone out there who would have allowed themselves to be bullied into believing Bernie and his scam? If he went up to you and said, "Give me the money in your IRA or I will kill you," would you have done it? Of course not! You would be appalled by such behavior. So what is the difference when Jesus or God say, "Believe this way or you will die?"

     More bullshit theories of when and where Armageddon will officially begin. Don't you just love how people eagerly twist the Bible or the circumstances to which they are applying verses to in order to validate their claims?

     Don't you just love the slow, sweet sound of the piano music as the screen shows a mushroom cloud? As if war is okay. As if the thought of billions being murdered by some God or his son were a good thing.

     People are so convinced of the hopelessness of mankind. I think that in and of itself is the most saddening. Wow. Thinking there is no hope. Thinking there is nothing that can be said or done or worked out to make things better for everyone. Do you want to know what makes a situation hopeless? When you have people who represent any deity who tells them that if people do not believe the same they should be persecuted or put in jail or put to death or starved...THAT is hopeless. That is what religion teaches...hopelessness.
     I don't want your stupid stories of people torturing each other. I don't want your screwy Bible that insists on drawing lines of separation between people. I don't want your screwy, violent, spoiled, conceited God and His Son telling me what I should and should not do according to whatever twisted view of love that they harbor within their little black hearts.

     The Bible is a fairy tale and there is only ONE certainty when it comes to the Bible: People will continue to fight over it. Plain and simple.

     The more you get people to believe when it comes to the Bible and whatever is going on in the world, the better control you will have over them. If you can manage to sound like you really know what you are talking about you will acquire a greater following all that much faster. What better way to control people than to tell them this great and horrible thing is going to happen, but if they do exactly as you say they will be okay?

     This is simply hilarious. Particularly funny in the part in the beginning where it says that the earth is God's footstool. You know what, that is not a good thing. If someone or something is your footstool that means you walk all over them with complete and utter disregard.

     This video is a great reminder of the twisted nature of religion. Scare people. Scare people real bad. Scare them with stories of untold destruction and murder and mayhem and demonic possession. Scare these people so badly that they truly believe and think that there is no hope whatsoever for mankind. Then provide them with a way out by telling them that if they become a slave to Christ they are good to go.

     Crap, crap, and more crap.

     Hah! I totally love watching the Nostradamus shows and similar shows. People are always saying that he predicted this and that, but can never prove such until something bad happens. Then you get some devoted follower of Nostradamus popping up and claiming that the old charlatan seer predicted this or that. Please.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Waiting for Jesus...

...and Waiting and Waiting and Waiting...

     This is absolutely amazing. This gentleman even knows the length of time that the supposed rapture itself will take: 1/64th of a second. Granted I am not by any means a Bible scholar per se. I was, however, raised in a very religious family where the lessons of the Bible were pounded into us day in and day out. I cannot find any verse in the Bible that offers the measurement of 1/64th of a second as the length of time for the actual rapture it self to occur. 

     So this guy basically says that we are pretty close to hearing a knock at the door that will be Jesus. Listen specifically to when he says the rapture and the return of Jesus or at least the marvelous signs of such will it seems Thanksgiving and Christmas will be good candidates.
     Then he goes on to insinuate that the state of countries on the continent of Africa and the wars in the Middle East are ever=present signs Jesus is getting closer and closer. Never mind that the African continent has suffered from untold catastrophe for as long as anyone can remember, I mean, go get a goddamn history book and read for yourself.
     But then you have the guy's claim that the skirmishes in the Middle East mean something. So ridiculous. Geeze, the cultures in the Middle East fight because they choose to fight and have always fought each other over gods and cultural practices and every other friggin thing they can stew up a fight over. The fighting in the Middle East is nothing new.

     This guy is a hoot! Just another faithful interpreter of Bible rhetoric who twists and turns the words of the Bible to fit with the badly mutilated meaning of human struggles in conjunction with the Bible meanings so that whatever version of when Jesus' arrival is supposed to be can be validated. Go and write a better story.

     Look! Up in the's a tornado! It's a hail storm! It's...JESUS!

     Why can't an earthquake just be an earthquake? Why can't a volcanic eruption just be an eruption? A flood a flood? A tsunami a tsunami? A sinkhole a sinkhole? No one will argue that the forces of nature are not scary. Yes, they can be utterly frightening. But these movements of our planet and the weather upon the planet are part of the health of this living planet and have jack shit to do with any kind of deity utilizing the forces of nature to kill and frighten people as a warning that He is about to return.

     More cheesey pictures with even cheesier music accompanied by a deluge of scripture intended to bully and frighten people into believing that a vengeful and self-righteous God and His son are on their way to badger humanity a little more before deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. It sounds suspiciously like Hitler is about to make another grand entrance.

     Do you like the music of the opening sequence? The people who did this video do a very good job of mimicking the ABC Nightly News music before putting in a few extra tones so that no copyrights are broken. 

     Watch this video from beginning to end as it is an excellent example of, "Don't let the fear of religion happen to you." Living a life of fear. Nice. That is SOME GOD you have there. By the way, where is all the love and compassion and grace of this God? You don't really have to answer because not only do you NOT have a sufficient answer, but it is really more of a rhetorical question to begin with.

     That's right, let's use one of the more recognizable opera songs associated with terror and destruction and then couple THAT with loads of scary imagery with just a slight peppering of delusional scripture.

     This is so stupid. Why would anyone want back some deity that allowed so many horrible things to happen to untold millions within history? WHY? Oh, but it is man's freewill that did all the bad shit. Whatever, dude. That is a complete copout and you know it. How many millions and millions have died ion recorded history due to floods or wildfires or the forces of nature altogether? How does that compute into your special little equasion of the freewill of man? Do the forces of nature have freewill as well? Why in the world would a loving and righteous God allow the frightening use of weather to announce the return of His son? So everyone can see Him? If He is the Son of God wouldn't everyone know who He is to begin with and so all that is divine can dispense with killing and frightening people with forces of nature?

     Classic 'Jesus is coming back to get you' bullshit.

     Every election there is one group or another that tries desperately to use the stories emerging out of the election to fashion some kind of proof that Jesus is reaching out to push the doorbell to announce His return.

     Oh LORD! This guy looks like an Oompah-Loompah on steroids hopping about on a religious stage as he tries desperately to validate all of his disillusioned religious claims. Jesus is here! Jesus is here! Enough!

     Don't forget that all difficult times must be a sign of Jesus coming back.

     Oh look, two pompous assholes communing over religion. Quick! Get the camera! Jesus MUST be coming back for real this time.

     Listen to what the guy says at the beginning, "For those who don't believe that the Bible is real..." Oh, the Bible is REAL alright, it just isn't true. Big difference there, sir. It is amazing when people come across something they either have not seen and experienced for themselves or something that usually does not occur on a regular basis but that is still scary nonetheless and then take that and chalk it up to some kind of twisted validation of the claims of the Bible. So very goddamn sad people waste their time with such garbage. Jesus is coming back? No no no. And the constant assertions and fighting over such does absolutely nothing to backup such a stupid claim to begin with and does nothing to help people or situations or society.

     Sure, sure, sure. And there were also people who claimed that Reagan himself was the antichrist and was a sure sign that Jesus would return sometime in the 1980s. Go back and formulate a better story.

     Hah! This John Hagee guy is a real hoot. I will be doing a blog on him, but for now just get the basic message that this guy thinks some mighty guy nmaed Jesus is on His way back to earth. Nope.

     Oooohhh. Signs that jesus is on His way back to earth to torture people some more in order to get them to believe and bow to and serve this God who seemingly has a very big problem with wanting attention and lots of it.

Friday, May 17, 2013

More on the 'Miracles' of the Children of Israel Fleeing Egypt

Pillars of Fire and Smoke, Splitting a Sea in Two, Water from a Rock, and More...

     There are so many supposed miracles in the Old Testament that are claimed to have taken place when the Children of Israel were fleeing Egypt. It would be far too much to put it all into one blog and so I have broken it up into several postings as you can probably surmise from previous posts.
     The manner in which many preachers twist and turn the stories of the Bible into some kind of morality Dear Abby column is disturbing. And there is always that little hint of, "Hey, don't worry about what God tells you to do. Just do it. Even if other people would not do it, you should still do it because that is what God wants of you. Other people who don't understand cannot understand because they don't believe in the truth as you do." 
     Nice. That is how the bastards who flew the planes into the World Trade Center approached their life and supposed spiritual calling. The infidels won't understand because they don't have the truth so you just go on and do what I tell you to do.
     The preacher here says something along the lines of there are people who will not understand what you do because it is not logical, makes no sense. Remember I am paraphrasing that. However, those with the truth will not let it bother them that they do not know what the hell is going on. They just have faith and follow whatever God says because God knows what he is doing. God will be your pillar of fire and pillar of smoke. Ludicrous.

     So, I am wondering whether or not the pillar of fire the Israelites saw was similar to what is in this clip. It is interesting, but not all that impressive. I have seen scarier looking tornadoes on the weather channel. Of course, I am sure if I were standing right there I would say something somewhat different. I mean, geeze, fire kills right?
     I would probably be freaked out by a ginormous pillar of fire traipsing around the desert. Yes. That would be scary. But I know for sure I would not follow it with the hope that wherever the pillar of fire was going it knew what it was doing and would get me there safely. The definition of faith does not include making stupid, uninformed decisions.

     I liked this video and think this gentleman did a good job of bringing across his opinion and providing a valid line of philosophical reasoning to back up what he was saying. I also like the fact he grew up in a very religious family and had far more than a simple working knowledge of the Bible and what people thought or felt that it meant.

     The title of this video is hilarious: Signs of God Announcing His Judgment. It does not matter that anyone knows how fire works and how weather and heat and wind and all that fun stuff affects it...because it is all a sign from God. So stupid. It is nothing more than an out of control fire taking place in an area suffering from drought and high winds. Geeze.

     Hello boys and girls. My name is Aunt Fruitcake and I have a story for you. It is called, "Do everything that God says to do and you won't burn in hell forever like everyone else will." Awww, the sweet stories people drowning in religion teach their children.

     This is a fucked up video. Seriously. It is quite graphic. I have not posted it out of a desire to be disrespectful but out of a desire to show how the religiously deluded take every terrible and wicked thing possible and use that to try to peddle the supposed power and wares of their terrible God. Does that make them feel better? I do not know.
     Maybe they figure they can get far more religious recruits by scaring people half to death and showing them terrible pictures while at the same time implying that if people don't believe in a certain manner something similar or equally terrible will happen to them.
     By the way, do you like the opening screen shots that show the clouds? Sure, the clouds are large and beautiful but her attempt to draw a religious parallel fails miserably.

     Don't you just love what-if scenarios? This is a hoot. Why, look what we have found...chariot wheels in the Red Sea! Well, that MUST mean the story in the Bible of Moses parting the Red Sea must be true. So retarded. You know how many civilizations utilized the chariot? Especially in that region? Do you think a busted up chariot is going to last that long under the water? Oh, but the water is cold and preserved the chariot wheel. Whatever.
     So many interpreters of the Bible can't even agree on where the supposed crossing of the Red Sea took place. Due to that fact many groups and religious individuals do everything they can with whatever information they have to meld a believable story for all those who would follow.

     So, this video opens with the words of knowing who the I AM is and whether or not He is trusted. You know, I was thinking. I have trusted people in my life. The people I have deeply trusted I still trust to this day. Never once has any of the people I have trusted so deeply ever led me to think or believe or suspect or worry that something is not quite right or something might go wrong or maybe I am trusting for the wrong reason but I will take the chance, no. Never. There is no question in my mind I can trust these individuals.
     Then we have God. It seems like the guy is always saying or doing something that leaves the humbled human being wondering what the hell is going on and whether or not what God is telling them to do is a good idea or a bad idea or a very big mistake. If God is so great and so powerful and so wonderful and so awesome there would not be one being who would ever question or wonder whether or not what they were being asked to do was the right thing.

     Well, look what we have here! Another interpretation of the Exodus story and what the Bible REALLY meant in regards to that story. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. It is business as usual for the hypocrisy of religion.

     As you watch and read this clip I want you to pay close attention to the distance traveled by the fleeing Israelites from Egypt and Pharaoh's presence to the Red Sea. Now, are you going to tell me that anywhere from 600,000 to 1.5 million people (men, women, and children) and flocks, HERDS of animals traveled that distance in the time stated by the Bible?
     It is a crock of shit plain and simple. Unless, of course, God waived His magic wand and allowed the Israelites not only the power to walk really REALLY fast (the animals and kids and babies, too) but the extra power to NOT get tired from walking so far for so long. They would have to be walking at an enormous rate 24 hours a day for days on end. No stops. No encampments.
     So, if God had the power to grant all of these amazing powers and miracles to the Israelites why the hell didn't He just give them the power to leave in the first place instead of dragging them through supposed 400 years of slavery and then a bit more time as God decided exacting some plagues upon pharaoh was a good idea? Why kill all the first-born if God can just take His people out and get it over with? Wait, that's right...that was God's plan.
     This God of the Bible is not a good guy. Read what it says in Exodus about what God did to pharaoh. God purposely hardened the pharaoh's heart so that God would have a reason to plague Egypt. Total loser of a God. So wrong and so unethical in so many ways it is no wonder why so many people have had it with religion and its method of murderous stupidity.

     More people going out of their way and doing everything possible in an effort to force the stories of the Bible to fit into some kind of absurd explanation that is passed off as logic but really isn't.

     This one is pretty fucking funny. I like the quasi-techno music in the beginning that I supposed is intended to spark great joy in the believer who watches this crap. Listen to the explanations of this rock and really look at the landscape they are pointing to as they are trying to describe why a rock isn't really a rock but an altar. And to think we have people who truly believe this delusion under the guise that believing without any question not only shows their deep level of faith, but it also doubles as a validating factor for whatever cracker jack is being believed.

     So much for the people in the previous video finding the rock that Moses supposedly bonked with his staff in order to draw water out of it. Every religion stakes its claim and proclaims its truth and decrees that all others are wrong and false. It is all completely devoid of intellect and common sense.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fear Monger Pat Robertson Opens His Fat Trap and Falls Right In...Again.

Ridiculous, Unfounded, Unfortunate

     Have you ever watched the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" with Harrison Ford and Sean Connery? There is a line toward the end of the movie that sums up Pat Robertson perfectly. In the particular scene I am talking about the Nazi woman (I think her name was Elsa Schneider) is surprised to see Indiana Jones show up and she asks him how he got there. His answer: "I'm like a bad penny, I always show up." That is totally right up Pat Robertson's alley.

     There are not very many issues in our modern world where Robertson neglects to insert his two pence. I am of the opinion that if he thinks he can inject Jesus and God into a situation he will absolutely do it no matter the cost or people offended. While in general people like Robertson are quite susceptible to making mentally imbalanced statements what makes him tolerable is the sheer entertainment of shit he says.

     After watching this video I found myself laughing not only at the sheer stupidity of his claim but also at the fact that the little worm is not paying attention to the words of his little book of spells and not paying attention to previous statements he made as to the End Times. 

     The Bible says something along the lines of all those who maintained their faith in God will celebrate End Times signs. This is supposed to be because that would mean Jesus is that much closer in coming back. Considering that, why in the hell would Robertson say or do or even worry about and try to stop or delay anything relating to End Times? I thought he said that such times were to be celebrated by Christians and the faster Jesus got here, the better.

     Now, I am not quite sure which mental dimension Robertson has decided to park his brain and common goddamn sense in, but where oh where in the fuckey-doo did he get the info that surveillance cameras signal End Times? What is he referring to as far as cameras being in private homes? Never mind all that because his scenario for the supposed End Times has been totally ripped-off from a movie.

Signs of the times? Pat says Jesus said there would be earthquakes in diverse locations. So what. Bernie Madhoff said the money was there and it wasn't.

Here Robertson tries to sound deep and introspective and spiritually informing as he twists and turns the semantics of Bible verses into something of a crystal ball. Also, take a look at the poster print he is pointing to with his wand. It has got to be font 500. The little leprechaun must be losing his eyesight.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Explaining Miracles of the Divine

It is Because the Bible or God Said it is

This little snippet here is just a tiny example of how Christians desperate to believe that the invisible IS in fact the visible consistently and shamelessly take verses from the Bible and stretch them horribly in order to try to fabricate proof of their bloodthirsty God and His screwy ideals.

This piece here I am using to rebut the previous clip.

I think this is quite true, that many who have become slaves to this horrid phenomenon known as religion have no clue whatsoever about the possibilities, probabilities, and the like when it comes to anything labeled as a miracle.

Some of the religious relics worshipped or paid homage to are so utterly stupid. I thought these people were supposed to believe in God and worship God and not some damned religious trinket.

Kris Kringle delivers a moving speech as to why he does not believe in the absurd miracles of the Bible.

I love this clip. It is from the movie "Religuous" by Bill Maher. I hope you have the time to get on Netflix and watch this documentary in entirety. This guy's version of a miracle is devoid of truth as to it being an actual miracle. Then when Maher starts pushing him to give better answers that actually make sense the guy gets defensive.

Another asshole tries to sound deep and introspective, tries to give his two pence worth of ridiculous interpretation of scripture, and for some strange reason forgets that the words 'scientific' and 'miracle' do not belong in the same sentence. Be assured, there are miracles of science (like laser surgery and stuff like that) but there are no scientific miracles.

This guy is taking Atheist comments way out of context and he fails to realize it is a two way street. The things he claims as being Atheist logic errors are the very things he uses to try to validate the Christian delusions of the Bible and the Christian faith.

This guy has some really good questions and answers.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Miracles of the Children of Israel in Egypt

Letting His People Go

     So, when I was a kid and being dutifully raised to believe the cracker jack of the Bible, one of my favorite stories to hear was the plight of the Children of Israel in the land of Egypt and how the Lord God made all of these really wonderful miracles (for the most part in the form of plagues) in order to free His people.

     What happened with the ten plagues of Egypt? What were the exact plagues visited upon the people of Egypt? And another thing, why does God always seem to lean to the terrible in His efforts to prove to those who do not believe in Him that He is real? You would think He would simply show Himself and get it over with instead of playing tricks and killing things in an effort to show His supposedly awesome power.

      Sure there are miracles in the Bible, many of them the most terrible things ever, but you cannot help but to laugh at the supposed miracles of doom as you listen to Robin Williams describe it all. Soooo funny!    

     Precisely as this man suggests, the many miracles in the Bible that prove (or that are supposed to prove God) are terrible. Why would the great love of the universe try to prove itself by use of terrible miracles? That proves nothing save for the God of the Bible is a thug who loves to torture those who don't care for Him or His truly absurd and terrible policies of so-called judgment.

     So, God wants his people freed and appears to a guy in the for of a burning bush. Why wouldn't God pick something a little more appearing as a person? And why doesn't God ever do something for Himself, right? If He wants something done and if He wants something done right why doesn't he do it Himself? Why get people to do all of this shit? And why have so much suffering on order to get what He wants? I'm just saying...

     You can always count on some explanation or other from Hollywood! I love this scene.

     While the Bible generally does not jibe with science and any other of the evidence science provides as to the non-existence of God, anytime the Bible and proponents of the Bible find that science just might be helpful in proving their stories of delusion...well hell...they jump right up and take whatever they can and twist that science they have found in an effort to prove theories of a big, bad, angry God and His actual existence. Then they jump up and down and clap their hands with glee as they shout "I told you so" and point to the existence of God. Whatever.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Three Cheers for the Myth of Creation

Poof! There it is! Poof! There it is!

     Ah, the book of Genesis and the absurdly ridiculous story of Creation. Better than a story of a genie coming out of a lamp and poofing everything into existence, right? To put ourselves into the proper mood for delving into the absurdities of some big bad God putting together the universe, the earth...and pretty much everything else...let us begin with some laughs, why don't we?

This is too fun to not put in this blog. In fact, there are more than just a few versions of this and I have included several of them in this blog.

I love it! God said I need someone not willing to get up before dawn, someone who can mold pop culture, work five hours by Tuesday noon and only another five by God made a douche bag. Too freaking funny!

And God said...I need a God made a banker.

I really like this one. Actually listen to the words that are being said because there is some wisdom to be found there, I think. Overwhelming the world with beauty and've got to love it.

So...go to the part where it says that the plants were not in the ground yet because there was not a man to till the ground. So, are they saying that from the very beginning God had planned this amazing wonderful place that he made to be tilled by the man? Doesn't sound very much like some heavenly garden is you are having to do all the freaking work. And why does the Lord God put the tree that man is not supposed to eat of in the garden there WITH the man? Is that some kind of fucked up joke, or what?

Don't you love the argument that this guy tries to use as validation for his belief in the invisible? Just like a building has a designer so does the universe have a designer? Where is your logic in this, buddy? You are going to try to convince people to believe in what you believe by convincing them that this supposedly creative God that made things so precise as chromosomes and DNA and all of these wonderful things will not reveal Himself? If God is eternal and does not have a beginning and an ending then people should be able to see Him with no problem whatsoever. Oh, and just because an Atheist cannot answer where everything came from that does not offer validation for your fairy tale God.

This is quite interesting. I saw this and thought that eventually I will do a blog on how this nation, the United States of America, was not founded by Christians but by Deists. Really interesting stuff to comprehend and digest and once you get into it and see the truth of it you will see why so many climg so fiercely to the false claim that the USA was founded on Christianity.

Listen to the words that this man says and actually consider what he has to say. Try very hard not to let any belief of some big magical God get in the way.

Three Cheers for Noah's Ark

Glug, Glug, Glug: All the Animals of the World on a Boat

     In the Bible in the book of Genesis chapters 6, 7, and 8 the story of Noah and the ark is presented by what is supposed to be the words of God...literally. Now, you must ask how this God/Creator Who is so precise that he creates gravity and thermo-dynamics...well, how in the world can a being who creates things in such a precise manner suddenly become very non-precise in how He does things in the story of Noah's ark? How does this amazingly precise God suddenly forget the size and number of all the animals that He supposedly created as He tries to get this 600 year-old coot, Noah, to gather all of the animals on a puny ark?

So, I like the question presented here in this little cartoon. How does a perfect God create something that is imperfect, and not only that, how does He not seem to know how shit will turn out? You would think that a perfect God would never experience such a thing as regret...such as when he regrets making man.

This cartoon does an excellent job of asking pointed questions about the retarded stroy of Noah's ark. Where did the food for the animals go? Where did the water for the animals go? How did the animals breathe at the high elevation of the ark, considering that the water covered the highest peak (Mount Everest)? How did the animals all get along? What did they do with all the animal poop? How do the animals in the water survive the mixing of salt and fresh water and the change in pressure anr temperature of the water? What do the animals eat after the flood? How do two animals populate the world with their species?

So, God decides He is pissed off with men because they are greedy and evil. God is seriously pissed, and instead of teaching the men how to behave He decided it would be better to drown the lot of men on the earth. This is the story that people repeatedly read and teach their children as truth. Nice. Now the way that people who believe this crap word it you would think it is all possible.

This is simply an outstanding clip put together by Thinking Atheists. They do have some very good points which is pretty much the biggest problem many Christians have with Atheists...the Atheists make sense.