Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fear Monger Pat Robertson Opens His Fat Trap and Falls Right In...Again.

Ridiculous, Unfounded, Unfortunate

     Have you ever watched the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" with Harrison Ford and Sean Connery? There is a line toward the end of the movie that sums up Pat Robertson perfectly. In the particular scene I am talking about the Nazi woman (I think her name was Elsa Schneider) is surprised to see Indiana Jones show up and she asks him how he got there. His answer: "I'm like a bad penny, I always show up." That is totally right up Pat Robertson's alley.

     There are not very many issues in our modern world where Robertson neglects to insert his two pence. I am of the opinion that if he thinks he can inject Jesus and God into a situation he will absolutely do it no matter the cost or people offended. While in general people like Robertson are quite susceptible to making mentally imbalanced statements what makes him tolerable is the sheer entertainment of shit he says.

     After watching this video I found myself laughing not only at the sheer stupidity of his claim but also at the fact that the little worm is not paying attention to the words of his little book of spells and not paying attention to previous statements he made as to the End Times. 

     The Bible says something along the lines of all those who maintained their faith in God will celebrate End Times signs. This is supposed to be because that would mean Jesus is that much closer in coming back. Considering that, why in the hell would Robertson say or do or even worry about and try to stop or delay anything relating to End Times? I thought he said that such times were to be celebrated by Christians and the faster Jesus got here, the better.

     Now, I am not quite sure which mental dimension Robertson has decided to park his brain and common goddamn sense in, but where oh where in the fuckey-doo did he get the info that surveillance cameras signal End Times? What is he referring to as far as cameras being in private homes? Never mind all that because his scenario for the supposed End Times has been totally ripped-off from a movie.

Signs of the times? Pat says Jesus said there would be earthquakes in diverse locations. So what. Bernie Madhoff said the money was there and it wasn't.

Here Robertson tries to sound deep and introspective and spiritually informing as he twists and turns the semantics of Bible verses into something of a crystal ball. Also, take a look at the poster print he is pointing to with his wand. It has got to be font 500. The little leprechaun must be losing his eyesight.

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