Friday, May 10, 2013

Three Cheers for the Myth of Creation

Poof! There it is! Poof! There it is!

     Ah, the book of Genesis and the absurdly ridiculous story of Creation. Better than a story of a genie coming out of a lamp and poofing everything into existence, right? To put ourselves into the proper mood for delving into the absurdities of some big bad God putting together the universe, the earth...and pretty much everything else...let us begin with some laughs, why don't we?

This is too fun to not put in this blog. In fact, there are more than just a few versions of this and I have included several of them in this blog.

I love it! God said I need someone not willing to get up before dawn, someone who can mold pop culture, work five hours by Tuesday noon and only another five by God made a douche bag. Too freaking funny!

And God said...I need a God made a banker.

I really like this one. Actually listen to the words that are being said because there is some wisdom to be found there, I think. Overwhelming the world with beauty and've got to love it.

So...go to the part where it says that the plants were not in the ground yet because there was not a man to till the ground. So, are they saying that from the very beginning God had planned this amazing wonderful place that he made to be tilled by the man? Doesn't sound very much like some heavenly garden is you are having to do all the freaking work. And why does the Lord God put the tree that man is not supposed to eat of in the garden there WITH the man? Is that some kind of fucked up joke, or what?

Don't you love the argument that this guy tries to use as validation for his belief in the invisible? Just like a building has a designer so does the universe have a designer? Where is your logic in this, buddy? You are going to try to convince people to believe in what you believe by convincing them that this supposedly creative God that made things so precise as chromosomes and DNA and all of these wonderful things will not reveal Himself? If God is eternal and does not have a beginning and an ending then people should be able to see Him with no problem whatsoever. Oh, and just because an Atheist cannot answer where everything came from that does not offer validation for your fairy tale God.

This is quite interesting. I saw this and thought that eventually I will do a blog on how this nation, the United States of America, was not founded by Christians but by Deists. Really interesting stuff to comprehend and digest and once you get into it and see the truth of it you will see why so many climg so fiercely to the false claim that the USA was founded on Christianity.

Listen to the words that this man says and actually consider what he has to say. Try very hard not to let any belief of some big magical God get in the way.

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